
Usefull functions to get started with WordPress

WordPress, provides us with many usefull functions, that make our lives easier, and by which, we can customize or create new themes rapidly.

If you haven’t visited the official WordPress functions referance page, then do it and don’t get overwhelmed. After reading it more closely, you will find out that this is a very usefull recource for you to learn in depth WordPress.

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$wpdb Class notes

WordPress Logo Symbol
Methods in the wpdb() class should not be called directly. Use the global $wpdb object instead.
$wpdb object can talk to any number of tables but only to one database.(*hyperdb)
Some of the methods in this class require from you to escape all untrusted values you incorporate.
$wpdb -> get_var(‘query’, column_offset, row_offset)
$wpdb -> get_row( ‘query’, output_type, row_offset )
$wpdb -> get_col( ‘query’, column_offset )
$wpdb -> get_results( ‘query’, output_type )
$wpdb -> insert( $table, $data, $format )
$wpdb -> replace( $table, $data, $format )
$wpdb -> update( $table, $data, $where, $format=null, $where_format=null )
$wpdb -> delete( $table, $data, $where_format=null )
$wpdb -> query( ‘query’ )
$wpdb -> get_col_info( ‘type’, offset )
$wpdb -> show_errors()
$wpdb -> hide_errors()
$wpdb -> print_error()

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WP Settings Api notes

settings control panel

The Settings API, lets you define settings pages, sections within those pages, and fields within the sections.

The form posts to wp-admin/options.php which provides strick capabilities checking and users will need to ‘manage_options’ capability to submit the form.

These are my quick notes for personal use, and they only resume the official wp codex.

Setting API functions

register_setting( $option_group, $option_name , $sanitize_callback )
unregister_setting( $option_group, $option_name , $sanitize_callback )
add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args )
add_settings_section( $id, $title, $callback, $page )
setting_fields( $option_group )
do_settings_sections( $page )
do_settings_fields( $page, $section )
add_settings_error( $setting, $code, $message, $type )
get_settings_errors( $settings, $sanitize )
settings_errors( $setting, $sanitize, $hide_on_update )

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SEO basic concepts

seo graph

Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP).

Proper SEO requires a team, than is consisted by persons who work at various fields, like programmers, marketers, designers, analystists, and plenty more can be used, according to the badged of the business.

In the real world thought, SEO is still unknown for many webmasters, and many others perform very basic SEO. So you can take advantage of this absense of knowledge and with a little efford to accomplish great results!

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