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1. Data, ???????? data.
2. Data Evaluation/Validation. ???? ???? 2 ????????????????????????.
??) ??????????????. ???? ???????????????? ?????? ???????????????????? ??????????????. ???????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ??????, ?????? ???? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? (???? 224*224 px).
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3. Data Padding. ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ??????????????. ?????? ???????????????????? ????????????, ??????????????????????????, ???????????????? ????????????????.
4. Data Synthesize. ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????????????????. ????. ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????????? 4 ?????????????????????????????? ??????????, ?????? 50 ????????, ???????? ?? Lady Gaga ???????? ?????????? ?????? charts.
5. Data variable weights. ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ???? 4.
6. Data split. ?????????? ?????????? ?????? data ???? ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????????? ?????? ???????
7. Train model and predict. ?????????????? ????????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????.


Node.js Notes


Here I oppose three different ways to export modules on node.js

Lets say we want to export three functions from a file called count.js

var counter = function(arr){
	return 'There are '+ arr.length + ' elements';

//This can be done by using backticks

var adder = function(a,b){
	return `The sum of two numbers is ${a+b}`;	

var pi = 3.142;

First way


module.exports.counter = counter;
module.exports.adder = adder;
module.exports.pi = pi;

Continue reading “Node.js Notes”


Useful css table selectors

Here are some css selectors you can use to make your own wonderful html tables.

.table-1 th{}
.table-1 td{}
.table-1 tr:first-child{}
.table-1 tr:last-child{}
.table-1 tr td:first-child{}
.table-1 tr td:last-child{}
.table-1 tr:nth-child(odd){}
.table-1 tr:nth-child(even){}